Sunday, October 24, 2010

Reading Strategies

Strategy, a word that is military in origin, refers to a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal.  What is the goal for your students this year in reading?  Do you have a plan to help all of them become good readers?     

Strategies for You!
Reading Rockets has a classroom strategy section designed to share with teachers what research suggests are the most effective ways to build fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. 
Each strategy in the library includes:
  • Instructions on how to use the strategy
  • Downloadable templates
  • Examples
  • Recommended children's books to use with the strategy
  • Differentiation for second language learners, students of varying reading skill, students with learning disabilities, and younger learners
  • Supporting research
Strategies for Students!
We need to understand the strategies used by good readers.  Here, you will find a list of comprehension strategies to share with your students.  Mini-lessons could be built around the concepts listed, with the teacher modeling the process.


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