Monday, February 21, 2011


NEA"S Read Across America March 2, 2011
Get involved! NEA’s Read Across America Day is a nationwide reading celebration that takes place annually on March 2—Dr. Seuss’s birthday. Across the country, thousands of schools, libraries, and community centers participate by bringing together kids, teens, and books, and you can too! Incorporate these guides and activities to celebrate reading with young people.
You will find the resource booklet here!  You will find "field guides" for different subjects, ages, and books.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Scaredy Squirrel

Scaredy Squirrel is afraid to leave his nut tree because he might get germs on himself. He is well prepared for all the dangers in the world with his extensive emergency kit. One day, when his kit falls from the tree, Scaredy has to fly out of the tree where he finds the world isn’t so scary after all.   
Melanie Watt’s webpage will tell you more about him!

Here you can find stickers and more ideas for Scaredy Squirrel!

This writing across the curriculum lesson was written by NumberFix Coordinator, Holly Young, who designed it to be taught in first grade.

This is a cute activity page to make your own emergency kit!

Here is a math lesson ppt. using Scaredy Squirrel!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day Ladies!

I want to share a few quotes and thank you's today!

"Staff development should not be perceived as something we do unto the weaker teacher or reserve for inexperienced staff members. All staff members, including principals, consultants, and teacher mentors, should be able to announce, "This is my year to study ------." There needs to be a genuine feeling that no one has arrived. Everyone needs to be swept up by the deeply engrained value placed on adult learning."
Shelley Harwayne

"I’ve come to believe there are only two things you need in any new teaching situation to succeed-humility and inquiry."Lisa Delpit

I have spent more time this year learning new things, than using what I already knew. It is a humbling experience to realize that there is so much I don't know! Thankfully, I have had wonderful mentors to help me. They have extended a hand of fellowship and made me feel competent and accepted.

Which leads me to a third quote:
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."  Maya Angelou

Thank you Cathy, Marie, Patti, and Jennifer for sharing what you know with me!