
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Record of Reading App Free!

Take running records on your IPad!

I spent some time with C.C. Bates at Clemson University and wanted to pass along this great App!  The Record of Reading App is designed to provide an electronic form for taking a running record. The app provides embedded formulas for the accuracy rate and self-correction rate (no need for a calculator!), but of course, the teacher does all the coding and analysis. Once the running record is complete, it can be saved in a file or emailed.  
Check out the User's Manual for additional details!
Let me know if you try it!


  1. That's pretty spiffy. If I owned an ipad, I'd give it a shot. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. We need to get you an I Pad!! More schools are providing them for teachers! Hope your school will!

  3. Thanks for the tip. Downloading it now. :)
    Grade 4 Buzz

  4. I have this app, but haven't had a chance yet to try it out. I am hoping to do that soon. I have high hopes for it. :)
    Conversations in Literacy
