
Monday, August 26, 2013

Sailing Over the Edge

One of the articles I read recently was Sailing Over the Edge; Navigating the Uncharted Waters of a World Gone Flat by Kylene Beers.  I highly recommend that you take the time to read it!

One of my favorite quotes from this article was:
"High-stakes tests and packaged learning have created a generation of students who equate learning with finishing, and achievement with a decent grade.  Testing does not improve learning; better teaching does."


I agree wholeheartedly.  However, so many times I have heard teachers and administrators say, "You need to know this because it will be on the test."  I have been guilty of the same thing!  The pressure that was felt by the adults was passed on to the students.  No wonder they equate learning to a test!! 

What are we doing to children? and teachers?  How can we shift the emphasis from the test to the learning?  How does our language need to change?  How can we foster creativity and prepare children for the test?  Will Common Core State Standards help?

We will have to work on the answers together.

I also relate to her discussion of the many complex skills that students will need to navigate the future.  We will be responsible for teaching these complex skills.

To sail over the edge will require us to leave our comfort zone.  To tackle new problems and not be afraid.  To present material and grade students in a different way.  To change our belief system.

It is an exciting time. It is an uncomfortable time.  

Friday, August 16, 2013

Newest Addition!

So happy to announce the birth of Reeves!  I am proud to be a GiGi!  He weighed in at 8 lbs. and 13 ounces.  He is perfect in every way!  I have lots of read alouds in my future!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Record of Reading App Free!

Take running records on your IPad!

I spent some time with C.C. Bates at Clemson University and wanted to pass along this great App!  The Record of Reading App is designed to provide an electronic form for taking a running record. The app provides embedded formulas for the accuracy rate and self-correction rate (no need for a calculator!), but of course, the teacher does all the coding and analysis. Once the running record is complete, it can be saved in a file or emailed.  
Check out the User's Manual for additional details!
Let me know if you try it!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Back to School Video

Love this song for the beginning of school!
I can tell that we are going to be friends!
Have a great start to the 2013-2014 school year!