
Monday, July 1, 2013

Engaging Kids with Technology


Here's an inspiring portrait from Edutopia, showing how a fifth grade teacher guides students to publish their work.  Nicole Delasio has quite a few video tutorials on Vimeo too!
Here is her list of different resources to spark creativity!  What a great resource!

The CCSS require us to publish digitally and in a variety of ways, even in kindergarten.  Summer is a great time to investigate technology resources and find ideas.  

Little Birds Tales 
Students can upload illustrations and create stories using their own voice.  Each recording is saved as a video and can be accessed by others!  With a little help, even young children can enjoy this! cover image logo
      Click to view a tale.

Check out these PBS Teacher Innovators!  They were awarded this honor for utilizing technology in the classroom.  They are from South Carolina!  Way to go!

1 comment:

  1. Little Birdtails sounds like a great resource. Combining technology and publishing isn't something I've found a way to do yet with my first graders. Thank you for this resource!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
