
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday Sayings

Happy Saturday!  Welcome to Saturday Sayings!
I am happy to join Tammy at Forever in First, Julie at Lighting a Fire in Third Grade, and Lori at Conversations in Literacy, as we share our favorite quotes and reflections! Tammy has allowed us to link with her during the month of April!  Please visit all of our blogs and join the discussion!  We would love to hear from you!

"You don't get true, fire-in-the-belly energy for writing because you fear getting a bad grade but because you have something to say and your own way of saying it." 
Katherine Bomer
taken from Hidden Gems, Naming and Teaching from the Brilliance in Every Student's Writing

I had the opportunity to hear Katherine Bomer for the first time this week. She was a breath of fresh air.  She reminded me to think about why writers write. This also made me think about why they might not want to write! 

I thought about our kiddos and the opportunities that they have to "just write" and express themselves.  Are we focused on their expressions or just the final product?  Do we look at their writing in a deficit-only approach?  What lens do we use when reading their writing?  Do we find the beauty on the page, or do we just see the words?  

Are you familiar with Katherine's work?  If not, you can read an excerpt from her book, Hidden Gems, found here.  If it makes you think about student writing in a different light, please share your thoughts!  I know that you will be changed in some way. 

I was.

Check back next week and I will share what Katherine told us about persuasive writing!


  1. I have not read anything by Katherine Bomer yet, but have downloaded your link. Looking forward to it! I agree so much with what you quoted though. I don't think most kids are motivated by grades, but they do have so much to say! We have to find out the way to unlock it for each student. Thanks!
    Conversations in Literacy

  2. I had to read this post twice. There's a lot here to think about. I look forward to reading the excerpt from Katherine. She's a new name for me. I love "fire-in-the-belly energy." That's the perfect goal to have. Thanks for the great post.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. I haven't heard of Katherine Bomer- she sounds like someone I need to add to my book list! I love what she is saying- kiddos have so much to say- how do we let them/give them the opportunity to say it!

    Light a Fire in Third Grade
