
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Read Aloud Resources

I have the wonderful privilege of working with literacy leaders and coaches as a part of LiteracySC.  One of my colleagues asked about finding books to match reading strategies.  I want to share a few ideas.  You can comment and add your ideas to the list.
I purchased the Interactive Read-Aloud Bundle by Linda Hoyt.  This has been a real favorite with teachers.  They almost fight over them!  The set covers grades K-5.  You can use these lists to find books that will teach the strategies you are focusing on. 

Here is the list for grade 1.
Here is the list for grades 2 and 3.
Here is the list for grades 4 and 5. 

You will love the Website created by FCRTA.  Simply click on the skill and find a list of books.

Effective Teaching Solutions has a simple list.

Here is another list focusing on visualization, questioning, inferring, determining importance, synthesizing, and schema.

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