
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Valentine Poem Printable

We are gearing up for Valentine's Day!  Not just the pretty and fun parts, but the literacy connection to the big day.  Poetry is always a great place to start!  Try this poem in shared reading or partner reading.  Fluency practice can be fun.  Kids love this poem!
My Mother's Chocolate Valentine
by Jack Prelutsky

Download 2013 poem here!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bloggy Tag!

I'm it!  DeAnne,, First and Fabulous tagged me so I'm in the game!  
Here are the rules:
1.  Post the rules
2.  Post 12 fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3.  Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create 12 new questions for the people you tagged.
4.  Tag 12 people and link them in your post.
5.  Let them know that they have been tagged.

Twelve Fun Facts
1.  I love to can jams and jellies!
2.  I love to travel.
3.  Favorite cop show is Blue Bloods (love Tom).
4.  Favorite new show-Once Upon a Time.
5.  Loving Season 2 of Downton Abbey!
6.  I have a 56 Ford truck that is beautiful.
7.  I still can't drive a stick-shift (above truck has one).
8.  I like beauty products too much. 
9.  I spend too much money on books.
10.   I have too many blind-date stories..hehehe
11.   I took scuba lessons and haven't gone scuba diving!
12.   Pinterest is my new thing!
Now!  To answer the questions:
1) What is your favorite recipe? (Would you like to share?)--oops that's 2 questions.
My favorite recipe is for no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies.  Recipe here!
2) If you could have a profession besides teaching, what would it be?
I would write children's books!
3) Are you a sports fan?
I love my Clemson Tigers!
4) Do you have any hobbies outside of blogging and school related things?
I enjoy working out with my personal trainer.
5) What is something you won't leave home without?
I always have breath mints!
6) Where do you like to vacation?
The Isle of Palms in Charleston SC!
7) What is your favorite movie?
French Kiss- an oldie for sure!
8) Do you have a special talent?
Teaching is my talent.
9) Who is your favorite CHILDREN'S author?
Cynthia Rylant
10) Do you think technology makes things easier?
Yes, if it works. 
11) Would you ever participate in extreme sports?
Probably not!  
12) What do you like most about teaching?
Making little light bulbs come on!

Here is who I have tagged:

If you decide to participate, here are your questions:
1.  What is your favorite snack?
2.  Where do you shop for clothes?
3.  What is your favorite TV show?
4.  Do you have a pet?
5.  Who is your favorite children's author?
6. What is your favorite lesson to teach?
7.  What travel spot do you like the most?
8.  What is your guilty pleasure?
9.  What do you like to do with your best friend?
10.  What is your favorite magazine?
11.  Who inspires you to be a better person?
12.  What would you buy with an extra $100.00?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Emperor's Egg Freebie

The Emperor's Egg Big Book: Read and Wonder Big Book

I really love this this book by Martin Jenkins!  It is adorable nonfiction!
There are great text features and interesting facts woven into a great story.  I also love the illustrations by Jane Chapman. 
This is my favorite penguin book.  It is funny and smart!
You can download an activity that uses the index, and a page to illustrate what they have learned about penguins

This would be a great book to compare with Tacky the Penguin 
Students can decide why one is fiction and the other is nonfiction!
Students will love both of these books!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Story Conflict

Catching Readers Before They Fall
I found a great post by Pat Johnson and Katie Keir that discusses four types of story conflicts. The blog,  Catching Readers Before They Fall has a list of picture books that can be used for the four areas listed below.
Person vs. Person
Person vs. Self
Person vs. Nature
Person vs. Society
While you may not have to teach this standard, I believe the list is a good one and worth a look!
You can preview the entire book, Catching Reader's Before They Fall for free at Stenhouse.  I already have and found it to be worth adding to my list of books to order soon!

I found this post from my Choice Literacy Newsletter.  Every teacher should subscribe!  There are plenty of good free articles, even if you can't afford to join as a member.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Flip and Flop Freebie

Flip and Flop

This is a cute book to add to your winter unit!  So many children can relate to a younger sibling always following them around! 
Here is a quick retelling activity and thoughtful look at conflict.

I added a Penguin Simile Activity to my TPT store.  There is a game, bookmarks, 2 writing activities, and recording sheets for centers.  Sixteen pages in all for $1.50!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Two Awards!

First, I need to thank the blogs that honored me with the award!

Thanks to Ms. Kerri and  First Grade and Fabulous, I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!
I need to share 7 things about myself!
1.  I live in Anderson, South Carolina
2.  I have attended 3 colleges here: Clemson, Winthrop, and The Citadel!
3.  I have been a regular classroom teacher, a special education teacher, a Montessori/private reading specialist, and now a trained S. C. Literacy Matters coach!
4.  I have three beautiful children who have all graduated from Clemson! Go Tigers!
5.  I have been an Orton-Gillingham trained tutor for 20 years!
6.  I am single and looking! :) 
7.  My favorite spot in the world is on the Isle of Palms!
Now, I need to award others!  If you already have this award, consider yourself loved!
(It asked for 15, but it is very hard to find those who haven't won it before!)
Jacqui Wilson posts great pictures from her classroom in Australia!
Rebecca's blog is wonderful and she gives away great freebies!
Rachel has an awesome blog that showcases her creativity!
You will love the super freebies and fun activities on this blog!
This is a group blog that is truly versatile!

Amber at Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award!
I love her blog!  She has a great example of winter writing with a creative way of displaying it!
The rules of the award are to link back to the one who nominated you and thank them!  Then, nominate blogs with less than 200 followers! 

Debbie's Dabblings
She has a new blog design and great ideas!
Learn With Me In Grade Three
You will find some great reading notebook ideas!
Miss Third Grade
Courtney has wonderful ideas and great pictures!

Wishing all a wonderful 2012!