
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Welcome Idea

I am in love with this idea!  Just print the note and staple to a bag of popcorn.  Hand these out to parents at Open House!
Thank you Fun in First for Sharing!
You can visit her blog and print!

Friday, July 29, 2011

10 Ways to Help Your Child Love School Freebie

Download this cute poster to send home to parents!

Hope you like it!
Updated 8/2012!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Punch Cards for Positive Behavior

I found these punch cards to reward good behavior.  I thought you might like them!  You can find them on this Website.  What a great idea to promote positive behavior!  Thanks Jamie, Jodie and Jennifer of eighteen25!
I would love to know how to make these!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Teacher Voice

I have been thinking about my voice. While my speaking voice could surely use some improvement, I am referring to my beliefs and concerns about the field of education.
Why do educators remain so reserved when it comes to discussions about our field and teaching practices?  My first thought is that we are afraid.  If we rock the boat, we might get tossed overboard!

The problem with fear is that it inhibits leadership and stifles needed change. One of my favorite quotes on leadership is by John Maxwell.  "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."
I am passionate about making a difference in the lives of the children I serve.  It is my job to speak-up on their behalf.  I can and will express my voice in the knowing, going and showing.
I also enjoy hearing from others in the field of education.  Take a look at Teacher Leadership Today. They are dedicated to the cultivation of teacher voice around important matters in education.

Lead the way...........

Friday, July 22, 2011

Writing Workshop

Davidson County Schools in North Carolina has a great site on Writing Workshop!  You can learn the basics and find forms and pictures that will help you start Writing Workshop in your classroom!
You must see the updated (2010) Power Point presentation for Launching Writing Workshop!

You will find anchor charts that you can create with your students!
SchoolCenter Picture
I really like the Phonics Writing Analysis forms.  One is for consonants and one is for blends.  You can track your students on one sheet.  This will allow you to create mini-lessons for Word Analysis based on need.
They are adapted from the work of Linda Hoyt and the authors of Words Their Way.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mr. Printables

I wanted to pass along a great Website!  Mr. Printables has plenty of great free resources.  Here are a few examples:

free printable number flash cards        animal flash cards  free printable daily planner for kids

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fly Swatter Ideas for Math and Vocabulary

Little Miss Kindergarten mentioned the hand shaped fly swatters from Dollar General, so I had to run out and buy some!  Here are some ideas for using them:

Vocabulary Cloud
Wordle: AntonymsMake a word cloud of important vocabulary. Students are divided into groups.  Each team has a fly swatter. Call out the definition and the first team member to swat the word wins.   I made my cloud at

Fly Swatter Math Game
Draw nine large squares on the chalk board or whiteboard and write a number in the middle of each. Divide the students into two teams and give each team a fly swatter. To begin the game, have one student from each team take their fly swatter and stand at the front of the class with their backs turned to the chalk board. As soon as you call out a math problem, the two students must turn around and touch the box containing the correct answer with the fly swatter. The student to hit the correct box first wins. To avoid confusion, make sure you are standing close enough so you can see who hit it first. Then erase the numbers in the boxes, write new numbers and have another student from each team take a turn. The team who answers the most problems correctly by the end of the game wins.