Do your students understand the violent weather that we have experienced this year? It is overwhelming for me to think about the life-changing destruction from these storms! Here are a few Websites that can help you discuss weather in your classroom.
FEMA for Kids is a great place to start! Listen to Herman the Hermit Crab as he tries to find a disaster-proof shell! You can download the entire story and listen to Herman as he reads!
You may want to order freebies from FEMA to use in your classroom next year! Here is the link for mailing in your order.
Check out Kidstorm! Kidstorm is a production ofSky Diary, Chris Kridler's site devoted to storm chasing and weather photographs. Head on over to Weather Whiz Kids! You will find a great tornado video and even lesson plans! Crystal Wicker has developed a wonderful Website!
I found a great new Website where you can post sticky notes and communicate digitally with a group! Here are just a few of the ways you can use WallWisher: *Collect ideas for exploration *Giving Out Assignments *Gather feedback *Let Students Showcase Their Work *Book Reviews *Create Honor Walls * Review of the Year *A thank-you wall *Independent Writing *A Class Greeting Card *Student Reflections on Learning *Post Recipes *Movie or book review Visit the wall I created and tell me your plans for the summer! Simply go to and post your message there.
How about Eric Carle's, The Grouchy Ladybug, or Richard Fowler's, Ladybug on the Move?
You will love the Ladybug math activities found on Mathwire is designed to provide activities and appropriate worksheets for teachers to use in their classrooms. All activities and worksheets support the constructivist approach to learning mathematics and the NCTM Standards. Teachers may download items for free. There is also a blog where you can follow mathwire.
In one of my PLC's we discussed the importance of drawing for young writers. One point of discussion was centered around artists and what they think about when they draw. Listen to Kevin Henkes describe his book, Junonia.